Sri lankan Finger Millet
Eleusine coracana, or finger millet, also known as ragi in India, kodo in Nepal, and kurakkan in Sri Lanka
Finger millet, also known as ragi or Eleusine coracana, is a crop that is cultivated in various parts of the world, including Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan finger millet holds significance as a traditional crop and has been a part of the local cuisine for centuries.
Finger millet is a cereal grain that is highly nutritious and gluten-free. It is known for its high content of dietary fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins (such as vitamin B-complex and vitamin E), minerals (including calcium, iron, and potassium), and antioxidants. These nutritional properties make finger millet a valuable food source, particularly for individuals with dietary restrictions or those seeking alternative grains.
In Sri Lankan cuisine, finger millet is primarily used to make a porridge-like dish known as "kola kenda." The millet grains are cooked with water or coconut milk until they turn into a thick and creamy consistency. This nutritious porridge is often consumed for breakfast or as a snack.
Finger millet can also be used in various other culinary preparations, such as flatbreads, dosas (savory pancakes), and desserts. It provides a nutty flavor and a unique texture to dishes.
The cultivation and consumption of finger millet in Sri Lanka not only contribute to the local culinary traditions but also promote food security and sustainable agriculture practices. It is considered an important crop for its nutritional benefits and resilience to various environmental conditions.